
• 時間 │2013/08/26(一)20:00_19:30開放入場 
• 票價 │350元 (附一杯飲品)  W-ticket-small-2 

This is the most minimum A Cappella Unit in the world.
“Breath-MaL beats a heartbeat of music.
Voice-Daisuke Ito draws a scenery of the sound.
We don't need any instruments.
We just need their body and soul.
Yes,we are the Piece of Cake!
Are you ready?”

我們是一塊蛋糕,the Piece of Cake!


Ito Daisuke, who is leading young generation of the Japanese Jazz world as a singer, Mal, who built the foundation of making the part of Voice percussion be recognized in Japan, they first met and formed a unit in 2012. They are the “world smallest a cappella unit” and perform without any musical instruments but with only their microphones. They dedicate all of their instruments, the “voice” and the “breath”, which belong to anyone, to the stage performance , and the music from their only two microphones amazingly expand far beyond. It has been only just one year since they formed the duo, they are constantly on the tour nationwide, and in spring 2013, they planned a concert tour visiting all 47 prefectures in Japan. The tickets for the massive 80-day tour sold out throughout the nation. It doesn’t bother them at all with the music genre boundaries such as Jazz, Pops, Classic and Original from the very beginning and this is so incredibly unfettered “Wind Ensemble “ duo.

伊藤大輔是引領著日本爵士界新生代的歌手,MaL則是讓人 聲打擊在日本扎下發展基礎的推手,兩人在2012年相識後組成了the Piece of Cake。 他們是世界上最小的阿卡貝拉組合,不需要任何樂器,只要兩 支麥克風。他們本身就是演出時會用到的所有樂器,以"聲音"和"呼 吸"透過唯二的麥克風,創造出來的音樂遠遠超乎想像。 這個兩人組合剛成團一年,持續的在日本國內巡迴演出,並於 2013年春天計畫了為時80天的全國巡迴演唱會,遍經日本47個縣的 演出全數售罄、一票難求。 任何風格的音樂都難不倒他們,爵士、流行、古典、創作,從 一開始就是沒有限制不受拘束的,像風一樣自由自在的組合。 









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