■ 時間 │ 2011/08/20 (六) 20:00 _ 19:30開放入場
■ 票價 │ NT350 (附一杯飲品)
Jazz standards such as:
On Green Dolphin Street
Bud Powell
Black Narcissus
大師領航前衛走向,音樂的語言遞嬗繁複瑰麗博大精深,不致使爵士樂仆臥在搖滾狂潮的溝壑。成軍已然屆滿4年的 SJ,以適合樂團編制的大師代表作品致敬。
「Sea Journey Jazz」由套鼓、電鐵琴、電吉他、低音貝斯組成四重奏,成軍於2007的5月9日,活躍於大台北地區。致力以即興的方式表演充滿現代聲響的精緻爵士音樂。常與其他樂手合作,演出經驗豐富,主要為積極參與藝文活動。曲目囊括爵士、藍調、拉丁等風格。
Gary Burton (born January 23, 1943, Indiana) is an American jazz vibraphonist. A true original on the vibraphone, Burton developed a pianistic style of four-mallet technique as an alternative to the usual two-mallets. This approach caused Burton to be heralded as an innovator and his sound and technique are widely imitated. He is also known for pioneering fusion jazz and popularizing the duet format in jazz, as well as being a major figure in jazz education.Patrick Bruce "Pat" Metheny (born August 12, 1954) is an American jazz guitarist and composer. One of the most successful and critically acclaimed jazz musicians to come to prominence in the 1970s and '80s, he is the leader of the Pat Metheny Group and is also involved in duets, solo works and other side projects. His style incorporates elements of progressive and contemporary jazz, post-bop, latin jazz and jazz fusion. Pat Metheny has three gold albums and 17 Grammy Awards.
Sea Journey Quartet: Drums - Milky, Vibraphone & Piano - Ling, Guitar - Zephyros, Bass - Remman
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* 11/2008~9/2009 每月一次固定在Sappho de Base演出
* 4/19/2009 台北市社教館音樂沙龍演出
* 1/17/2009 通過甄選,「故宮週末夜」演出
* 9/6/2008 參與台北藝穗節第一屆,於牯嶺街小劇場演出
* 6/2008 受文化局之邀,於228廣場演出
* 4/2008 台北市南海藝廊演出
* 3/2008 台北市社教館音樂沙龍演出
* 3/7/2008「巴赫新聲」甄選錄取,於巴赫廳舉辦音樂會
* 11/2007 與 sax 楊曉恩老師合作,受邀為國立台灣工研院頒獎開幕
* 11/2007 公館河岸留言表演