世界軌跡樂團─ CHORDOPHONES 弦絲綺舞 │ $350元
『弦絲綺舞』延續了第一張專輯「失落的環節」融合爵士、民族等傳統元素,以更豐富的弦樂組合,賦予整個樂團嶄新的的色彩與意象。從波斯揚琴、印度薩倫吉琴,以及北非烏德琴這些古老的歐、亞、非洲弦樂器身上汲取語彙,交融於豐盛的和弦聲線。在弦樂華美的聲響之中,似乎可以聽見悠遠的異國身影,輕輕舞動。 『弦絲綺舞』也向吉普賽人至上最高的敬意。他們數百年來遊走在歐亞各地版圖,播種無數的文化與精神,暢遊於框架外的未知旅程。在『弦絲綺舞』的每一首曲子當中,都可以感受到這種漂移與流浪的氛圍。
The Orbit Folks are up to their old tricks again, fusing jazz, folk and traditional world music styles in CHORDOPHONES, their second album. Their music has however come a long way since their previous release. Like usual, Orbit Folks draws a wealth of inspiration for their improvisations from the playing techniques and exotic sounds of various ancient stringed instruments, such as the ancient santur from Persia, the sarangi from India and the oud from northern Africa. On this album some of the songs feature a small string section, adding new colors and luminosity to the arrangements. Denser harmonies or chords have further enriched and matured the sound of the group. All of these developments can be succinctly summed up in the word chordophones, which means, literally, the sounds of strings and chords. On another level this album can be interpreted as a homage to the Roma people, sometimes called Gypsies, Bohemians, Tzigane, Gitanos (and many other nicknames), who have contributed so much to the cross-pollination of European and Asian cultures. Nowadays it would be hard to imagine the Eurasian musical landscape without their influence. Every song on this album references in some way or other the Roma diaspora and their lifestyle.