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目前分類:李吉他系列 (10)
發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2013-07-12 | Laurence Juber《Children of the Harvest》 | (15) | (0) |
2013-07-12 | Steve Baughman《Life in Prism》 | (6) | (0) |
2013-07-12 | Al Petteway & Amy White《Groovemasters, Vol. 3- Gratitude》 | (12) | (0) |
2013-07-12 | Doug Smith《The Collection》 | (9) | (0) |
2013-07-12 | Antoine Dufour / Tommy Gauthier《Still Strings》 | (11) | (0) |
2013-07-12 | Andy McKee《The Gates of Gnomeria》 | (13) | (0) |
2013-07-12 | Antoine Dufour《Sound Pictures》 | (10) | (0) |
2013-07-12 | Gareth Pearson《Urban Echoes Vol.1》 | (14) | (0) |
2013-07-12 | Andy McKee《Art of Motion》 | (11) | (0) |
2013-06-06 | Ewan Dobson《II》 | (39) | (0) |