4/20~5/3 喝A House 精選調酒,
這裡的調酒,很不同… 我們以世界知名的阿卡貝拉團,做為每一支調酒的名稱及定位;並依照每一團的特色,設計出屬於他們自己的獨特風味!
Klangbezirk清新舒爽,Vocal Six 乾淨澄澈;Stouxingers很奔放,Takarabune很甜美,且溫柔。歐開O-Kai是熱情的,公共澡堂有著無敵青春… 若您不排斥酒精飲料,歡迎您來嚐嚐阿卡貝拉世界的特調!
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二月份開始,A House的演出票券就可以在 華娛售票系統 購買囉! 要聽演出的朋友們,一樣可以到A House現場購買票券,而且不限當日的演出噢 此外,在7-11 ibon、全家便利商店FamiPort 也都可以購票喔! |
‧A House 誠徵 兼職夥伴,詳情請看這裡 |
4/20~5/3 喝A House 精選調酒,
這裡的調酒,很不同… 我們以世界知名的阿卡貝拉團,做為每一支調酒的名稱及定位;並依照每一團的特色,設計出屬於他們自己的獨特風味!
Klangbezirk清新舒爽,Vocal Six 乾淨澄澈;Stouxingers很奔放,Takarabune很甜美,且溫柔。歐開O-Kai是熱情的,公共澡堂有著無敵青春… 若您不排斥酒精飲料,歡迎您來嚐嚐阿卡貝拉世界的特調!
Vocal Six 是享譽全歐洲、瑞典經驗最豐富的當代無伴奏重唱團之一的人聲組合。他們是一個全由男生所組成的 A Cappella 樂團,將許多流行歌曲改編成人聲重唱,使用了很多的合聲堆疊,聲音與曲風乾淨清澈。
Vocal Six is one of the most experienced a cappella groups from Sweden. The group has 6 male singers who sing many popular songs with arrangements filled with musical layers and clear voices.
讓我們來聽聽看 Vocal Six 的美妙聲音!Let's listen to Vocal Six!
Vocal Six - Good Vibrations
而只有在 A House 喝得到的「Vocal Six」這項調酒,採用了來自瑞典南部小鎮的 Absolut vodka 香草口味,帶點奶油香與黑巧克力味,絕不添加任何人工糖粉,喝起來非常清爽。搭配了清淡的檸檬香與小黃瓜味,使得這杯調酒無論外觀、或者味道,都令人感到心曠神怡,猶如 Vocal Six 乾淨澄澈的聲音般,最適合在炎熱的夏天午後,圖一個涼爽的心情!
The "Vocal Six" cocktail is based on Absolut Vanilia, which comes from a small town in southern Sweden. Although with a creamy chocolate scent, it contains no artificial sugar, which gives a fresh taste. Together with lemon and cucumber, it is also visually very refreshing, just like the voices of Vocal Six. It is the best choice to cool yourself down in a hot summer afternoon.
The German vocal jazz group - Klangbezirk - has 2 male and 2 female singers who bring the vocal jazz music to another level. Their incredible improvisation, beautiful vocal arrangement, and the perfect connection between the singers attract the audience the most.
讓我們來欣賞創造力強的 Klangbezirk 的歌聲吧!Let's listen to Klangbezirk's composition! Klangbezirk - I Deserve
在 A House,你除了可以聽到Klangbezirk的歌聲之外,也可以喝到這杯特製的「Klangbezirk」調酒!選用德國藥草性利口酒Jägermeister,基礎成分是來自世界56個不同國家的藥草植物,需要連續五個月的時間,才能將植物中的精華溶解出來,並窖藏1年,才終於大功告成。「Klangbezirk」調酒,是以mojito形式調出來的德國絕對爵士,加入了檸檬以及薄荷葉,使得口感非常清新。適合在以Jazz陪伴的夜晚,舒舒服服的,遠離白天的塵囂,沉澱心情。
At A House, you can not only listen to Klangbezirk, but also taste Klangbezirk. We chose the German herbal liquor Jägermeister as the basic ingredient for this cocktail. Jägermeister contains 56 different herbs from around the world, takes 5 months to extract the essence, and then is stored in the cellar for over a year to complete the production of this liquor. The cocktail is made in the style of mojito, together with lemon and mint, in order to produce the absolute character of jazz from Germany. It's the perfect drink for comfort and relaxation after a day of stress.
快來 A House,品嘗這一系列有趣的調酒吧!
寶船(Takarabune)是一個全女生,有獨特的女低音與人聲打擊的日本人聲重唱團體。溫柔純女聲的細緻張力,猶如日本清酒沉靜中帶著後韻活力。擅長演出的風格種類包括爵士、Bossa Nova、拉丁、流行、日本民謠…等。
Takarabune is an all-female vocal group, with a female vocal percussionist and a female bass singer. The soft and yet powerful voices of the singers are like the Japanese Sake, pure and yet filled with rich aftertaste. Their music style includes jazz, bossa nova, latin, pop, and Japanese folk songs... etc.
2010年6月1日,全台灣第一家 A Cappella Live House 終於開幕了!為我們開幕演唱的就是這個實驗性很強的德國人聲重唱團體- Stouxingers!除了一般的人聲打擊之外,也加入很多他們自創的獨特口技。無論是他們的原創音樂或是改編的經典名曲,Stouxingers 都可以用他們特有的情感,詮釋出最感性的合聲;搭配上他們充滿爆發力的舞台能量,帶給觀眾一種獨一無二的人聲重唱饗宴。
On June 1, 2010, Taiwan's first a cappella live house was opened in Taipei. For the grand opening concert, we have invited a very experimental group from Germany - Stouxingers. Apart from the usual vocal percussion, they invented many ways to create different sounds by human voice. Stouxingers is able to show the beauty of human harmony with either classic pop songs or self-composed music; together with an extremely powerful stage presence, their show would be one of the most unique performances you'll ever see.
這個夏天,歐開合唱團在A House帶來了多少的溫暖!還記得賴老師獨有的喜感、微真扣人心弦的歌聲嗎?雖然歐開合唱團有兩名團員要去當兵了,但是,你在A House可以喝到這個最適合夏天的「O-Kai歐開」調酒,來表達對他們的思念。
This summer, the O-Kai Singers has warmed up every audiences heart with their beautiful harmony. Although two of the singers are leaving us for a year to join the military, you can still experience the same sensation by having the "O-Kai" cocktail at A House.