2010年6月1日,全台灣第一家 A Cappella Live House 終於開幕了!為我們開幕演唱的就是這個實驗性很強的德國人聲重唱團體- Stouxingers!除了一般的人聲打擊之外,也加入很多他們自創的獨特口技。無論是他們的原創音樂或是改編的經典名曲,Stouxingers 都可以用他們特有的情感,詮釋出最感性的合聲;搭配上他們充滿爆發力的舞台能量,帶給觀眾一種獨一無二的人聲重唱饗宴。
On June 1, 2010, Taiwan's first a cappella live house was opened in Taipei. For the grand opening concert, we have invited a very experimental group from Germany - Stouxingers. Apart from the usual vocal percussion, they invented many ways to create different sounds by human voice. Stouxingers is able to show the beauty of human harmony with either classic pop songs or self-composed music; together with an extremely powerful stage presence, their show would be one of the most unique performances you'll ever see.
看看Stouxingers自製的宣傳短片,就知道他們有多創意了!Take a look at Stouxingers' self-produced trailer, and you'll be able to experience their unique creativity and innovative ideas!
你一定很好奇,A House 怎麼用調酒來表現這一個充滿驚喜的團體呢?看看這款調酒的顏色就知道了!濃郁中帶有一些漸層,上面裝飾的兩顆烘培過的咖啡豆,怎麼想都想不到跟「調酒」有什麼關係?其實,答案就在漸層中!底部的深咖啡色是一種優質的咖啡味龍舌蘭酒,跟一般甜膩的咖啡利口酒不同,口味甘醇但糖分卻不高!上面的淺咖啡色則是 A House 大受歡迎的德國 Erdinger 啤酒,想知道兩者搭起來的獨特味道嗎?來 A House 品嘗看看吧!
You must be very curious - how does A House portray such an unique group with a cocktail? Take a look at the color of it - a slight variation from the bottom to the top, where 2 pieces of roasted coffee beans lie above the foam. Who would think of this as a "cocktail"? In fact, the answer lies in the variation of the color! The darker brown in the bottom is coffee liquor made with tequila. It has the sweet taste but there's not much sugar in it, which is different from the usual coffee liquor. The lighter brown above it, is A House's most popular beer - Erdinger from Germany. Want to experience what it taste like if combining the two? Come to A House and try it!