這個夏天,歐開合唱團在A House帶來了多少的溫暖!還記得賴老師獨有的喜感、微真扣人心弦的歌聲嗎?雖然歐開合唱團有兩名團員要去當兵了,但是,你在A House可以喝到這個最適合夏天的「O-Kai歐開」調酒,來表達對他們的思念。
This summer, the O-Kai Singers has warmed up every audiences heart with their beautiful harmony. Although two of the singers are leaving us for a year to join the military, you can still experience the same sensation by having the "O-Kai" cocktail at A House.
將原住民語言以爵士及A Cappella的形式唱出來,這個可愛的原住民家族用行動表達了對民族的愛。「O-Kai歐開」調酒為真實的傳達台灣文化,特地使用了多款水果性的酒類與果汁,來調出這杯果香濃郁的台式調酒!以台灣小米酒為基底,加上柑橘、桃子為調味的波本威士忌、與充滿維他命的接骨木糖漿,再配上鳳梨與檸檬,你說,是不是很台灣味呢?
Singing their aboriginal songs in vocal jazz style, O-Kai Singers shows the love of their tribe with music. In order to present the Taiwanese culture, the "O-Kai" cocktail contains many fruity liquors and juices. Based on millet liquor, it is mixed together with the fruity whiskey - Southern Comfort, Eldeflower syrup, pineapple and lemon. How much more Taiwanese can it get?