SLIXS – Quer Bache │ $450元
The music on this CD was originally developed as a soundtrack for the motion picture „MENSCH KOTSCHIE” by Norbert Baumgarten. It was the ambition to arrange instrumental music by Johann Sebastian Bach for just the human voice. We´ve tried to approach these phenomenal compositions with our SLIXS-own distinct curiousness and delight in playing around, but all along with the respect for the great musical master as a permanent companion. All vocalises appearing on this CD are fictitious. Any resemblance to real languages, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
‧ | 二月份開始,A House的演出票券就可以在 華娛售票系統 購買囉! 要聽演出的朋友們,一樣可以到A House現場購買票券,而且不限當日的演出噢 此外,在7-11 ibon、全家便利商店FamiPort 也都可以購票喔! |
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- Mar 18 Tue 2014 13:54
SLIXS – Quer Bach