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活動時間 2010/07/26~29  20:00起  轉播期間我們會延長營業至演出結束喔!

活動費用低消入場/ Minimum charge – one order per person

International Styrian Vocal Festival in Graz是一個與台灣合唱音樂中心結為聯盟的比賽,也是奧地利格拉茲(Graz,Austria)這個歐洲文化城所主辦的一項年度大活動。

"International Styrian Vocal Festival in Graz" is a competition which is collaborated with the "Taiwan International Contemporary A Cappella Festival".  It is also one of the biggest yearly events in this European city.

比賽今年將邁向第十年。每年七月底的這個Contemporary A Cappella (CAC) 大賽都聚集了二、三十隊來自世界各地的a cappella團隊,每一組的冠軍隊伍也都應台灣合唱音樂中心之邀到台灣來演出,或參加台灣國際重唱大賽。

This year is the 10th year of the competition.  Every July, this competition gathers 20-30 a cappella groups from around the world.  The champion groups from this competition are also invited to Taiwan through Taiwan Choral Music Center for the festival.

比賽賽程如下/Competition schedule

7/26 22:00 古典聲樂無伴奏/Classical Vocal Ensemble

7/27 01:30 BEATBOXING 大賽   20:00-24:00 流行無伴奏/A Cappella Pop Ensemble

7/28 01:30 流行無伴奏/A cappella Pop Ensemble   22:00-24:00 爵士無伴奏/A Cappella Jazz Ensemble

7/29 01:30 德文或英文喜劇無伴奏/A Cappella Comedy in German and/or English Language

7/30 01:30 優勝者音樂會/Winner’s Concert

A House將於活動期間同步轉播這精采的比賽,千萬不要錯過喔!

A House will be live broadcasting this competition, make sure you don’t miss it!



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